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Browse All : Long Beach Naval Shipyard and Floating Cranes from 1947
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The first lift by the giant German crane at the Long Beach Naval Shipyard. This crane is lifting more than 100 tons of barge filled with seawater as a trial.
The first lift by the giant German crane at the Long Beach Naval Shipyard. This crane is lifting more than 100 tons of barge filled with seawater as a trial. This crane was one of four floating cranes built by German industries to maneuver in water because their land is very swampy and the ground unable to support large cranes with heavy lifts. It was taken as reparation from the German submarine-building facility at Keil, Germany, and was brought across the Atlantic, through the Panama Canal and up the Pacific Coast to Long Beach, and reassembled here. (The other cranes, taken by England, France and Russia were all lost at sea). Pictures are poor due to very foggy morning.
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