J. G. Anuiler, Capt. Dr. R.
J. G. Anuiler, Capt. Dr. R.
J. G. Anuiler, Capt. Dr. R.
Viola B. ?, Capt. Glenn ? (M
Joe Bahan and Gordon Mevill
Joe Bahan and Gordon Mevill
Joe Bahan and Gordon Mevill
W. J. Blanchard poses with a
Glenn Brandow. Capt. Wes. Fo
John Cagle, Jr., Capt. John
Lily Call, Capt. Ray Call (M
Lily Call, Capt. Ray Call (M
G. J. Canady and family, Cap
Jean Carlisle, Capt. Howard
Jean Carlisle, Capt. Howard
J. C. Carmack, Capt. Eddie O
H. E. Cox, Capt. Rod Cox (Ma
Ens. C. W. Cummings poses wi
Fred V. Cummings posing with
W. T. Davis poses with a mar
Dr. T. J. DeVaughn, Capt. Di
E. W. Dotson, Capt. Herman F
Jack Ellison, Capt. Al Ellis
C. H. Gardener, Capt. Gordon
C. H. Gardener, Capt. Gordon
Mrs. Dick Greeley, Capt. Fra
Alma Green, Gordon Green, Ca
Dick Godber, Capt. George Go
N. W. Hagelberg poses with a
N. W. Hagelberg poses with a
James F. Haren, Capt. I. H.
Max B. Harlow posing with a
Earl Haskell, friend, Capt.
Earl Haskell, friend, Capt.
Earl Haskell, friend, Capt.
Elmer T. Hehr, Capt. Ted Hil
Dick Heller poses with a mar
Clem J. Holmberg posing with
Dale Johnson, Capt. Dead Eye
L. T. Kingsbaker, Capt. J. B
L. T. Kingsbaker, Capt. J. B
Joe Koons, Capt. Elmer Hahr
C. J. Kymla, Capt. Mrs Lilli
W. R. Lange, Capt. Edw. C. F
W. R. Lange, Capt. Edw. C. F
Ralph Larrabee poses with a
Ralph Larrabee, Capt. Ralph
F. L. Launder, Capt. Jim Don
R. I. Launder posing with a
R. I. Launder posing with a